Please scroll down to see all options. These packages are each priced at £500 for six themed sessions. Perfect for clearing out the old, and ushering in a great new start.

Get Your Life Back Package          Good Grieving Package        Exam-Busting Study Skills Package   

Rewarding Relationships Package       Break Free from Your Past Package       Positive Parenting Package


Get Your Life Back Package

Does it sometimes feel like your life is spinning out of control?

I can help you to carve a path through the chaos so that you are in charge of your life and it’s not in charge of you!

We will tailor the sessions to you personally so that you have everything you need to succeed - looking at things like

  • time management – how do you really spend your time?
  • strategies for prioritising your activities
  • setting and achieving personal goals
  • effective motivation techniques to keep you on track
  • and effective ways for defeating procrastination.

And best of all, we will create a clear plan of action for you, broken down into manageable steps so that you can keep building on your successes as you create your new life.

To change your life in as little as six sessions, click on the box below to sign up now!

Get Your Life Back PACKAGE

Good Grieving Package

If you have lost someone you love and are struggling with grief, I can help you. Would you like some company moving through the grieving process?

We will work together to find ways for you to resolve your feelings and come to terms with your loss. We will

  • look at the stages of grief and other grieving models
  • explore some heartfelt ways to say goodbye
  • and find some healthy projects to keep your loving memories safe so that you can move on with your own life.

If you would like to resolve your grief and distress, honour the person you have lost, and come to a place where you feel that you can move on with your life, then I would like to help you through that process.

To move toward a resolution in as little as six sessions, click on the box below to sign up now!

Good Grieving PACKAGE

Exam-Busting Study Skills Package

Are you – or a teen you know & love – struggling with the pressure and stress of exams? Does it seem like it’s all spiraling out of control, maybe even affecting sleep or eating patterns, and creating issues with anxious tension and low mood or irritability? I can help you put your exams back in perspective - and get back on track with your life and your study skills.

We will look at

  • ways to identify and use your personal strengths
  • planning a sensible revision timetable - which includes breaks and treats
  • learning effective ways to relax and calm your jittery nerves
  • and finding practical study strategies that will help you to do the best you can when those exams do come around.

If you would like to become an exam ninja in as little as six sessions, I can help - click on the box below to sign up now!

Exam-Busting Study Skills PACKAGE

Rewarding Relationships Package

Do you sometimes feel lonely and socially isolated? Would you like to have more meaningful relationships in your life? I can help you to rebuild your social life, or create a brand new one!

We will look at

  • practical ways to meet new people for friendship or romance
  • how to identify what you want from your social interactions
  • the qualities you value in your friends and in yourself
  • identifying your personal deal-breakers for relationships
  • personal attributes that make you a good friend
  • and ways to keep in touch with current friends and family – it’s never been easier!

In as little as six sessions, you can learn to make some happy changes, fill up that calendar, and enjoy being a social butterfly - click on the box below to sign up and get started!

Rewarding Relationships PACKAGE

SPECIAL OFFER! TWO-FOR-ONE COUPLES' COACHING PACKAGE - Six sessions taken together or some together and some separately - whatever works best for the two of you! - at the same price as one-to-one coaching. Please note that there is no bonus seventh session with this offer.

Special Offer: Six Sessions Couples Two-for-One


Break Free From Your Past Package

Is your past holding you back? Are some things that happened long ago still affecting your life today? I can help you to get clear of negative influences from the past so that you can move confidently into your future.

We will look at

  • reducing the influence of negative people who have affected our past
  • clearing and releasing our own past mistakes – and forgiving ourselves
  • ways of getting a helpful new perspective
  • unhitching ourselves from our personal baggage so that we can move lightly and freely into the future.

If you would like to put the past where it belongs –behind you and out of sight and caring – I would love to help you do just that! Click on the box below to sign up now!

Break Free From Your Past PACKAGE

 Positive Parenting Package

Do you ever feel like your kids are driving you crazy? You love them to bits but things are just a little bit out of control on the home front?

Fear not, I can help you get back into the driving seat and in charge of your family life. We will look at

  • effective ways to communicate with your children – and understanding how they are communicating with you
  • generating a win-win outcome
  • positive resolutions for family conflicts
  • reframing your children’s qualities to generate a more endearing and helpful picture of them
  • plus ideas for putting some fun back into your family life!

 In as little as six sessions, I can help bring harmony and pleasure back into your family situation – just click on the box below to sign up!

Positive Parenting PACKAGE