Welcome to my blog!

In my blogs I will explore a topic or an issue that readers and life coaching clients often want to learn about. And to explore the topic further, I sometimes provide some ideas and quotes for you to create Art Journal pages  because I truly believe that expressing your creativity through arts and crafts makes a massive contribution to self-care and overall well-being.

As ever, I would love to hear what you think – and if you have any ideas for topics, please let me know!


Three Good Things

A really simple but helpful practice that I initially got into during lockdown is what I call Three Good Things.

All you do is take a couple of minutes every night before you get into bed and just jot down three positive things that you experienced that day.

It can be any little thing that brought you pleasure or made you smile, from chatting with a friend to spotting a pretty flower to hearing some birdsong when you wake up. A colourful sky, a smile, a cuddle with your pet – you get the idea!

This simple habit can help you in so many ways . . . click here to read more