BLOG - Three Good Things

Three Good Things

A really simple but helpful practice that I initially got into during lockdown  is what I call Three Good Things.

All you do is take a couple of minutes every night before you get into bed and just jot down three positive things that you experienced that day.

It can be any little thing that brought you pleasure or made you smile, from chatting with a friend to spotting a pretty flower to hearing some birdsong when you wake up. A colourful sky, a smile, a cuddle with your pet – you get the idea!

This simple habit can help you in so many ways:

  • You pause at end of each day and take a moment to reflect on it which helps you to relax and unwind before going to sleep
  • You concentrate more on the positive things in your day because you are consciously looking out for them – at various times during the day you will find yourself saying “There’s one to write down tonight!”
  • You are automatically increasing your sense of gratitude for the good things in your life while ignoring and thus minimising the negative
  • It’s also a great skill for combatting anxiety and aimlessness as it provides one small piece of structure to your day - which you can then build on, perhaps with a morning meditation or by setting an intention for the day when you wake up
  • And you create a record of your happiness which can be motivating and encouraging to read again during dark or uncertain times

So get yourself a mechanical pencil (no sharpening!) and a little notebook, plain or fancy. Keep them both right by your bed, and take a few minutes every night to jot down the date and your Three Good Things – you’ll be glad you did.